10 May 2009

just what have i been doing?

what the. . . ! 

can't believe that i haven't posted in almost a month! 

there must be some mistake! 

someone needs to check the math.

or maybe this way??


  1. there was (is) a teacher at greene, sped, that uses this second strategy with her students for the nine(x)es. some kids got it and used it. others didn't so much. for my part, i plan on using the first one. it's really smart. where's the other slog!?

  2. i wish i could take a math class w/ma & pa. maybe after this trimester i will have the time??

    what other slog are you searching for?

  3. take me to bomsterville! (dotcom)

  4. alas, an intra-cyber task force deemed it a toxic and dangerous land!! It was deemed unfit for habitation or visitation and orders to raze it were recently carried out!

    A sad outcome for the natives of bomsterville (who by the way, filed many objections to the whole process).

  5. i linked this before, but it's worth another look. so slogging good.
    buckenglishsorry about bomsterville.
